The Ultimate Step By Step Guide To Building The Best Brand!

Stand out, sell more and turn your customers into advocates with these 17 brand building elements


Build a brand that grows your business

Learn the branding principles that are behind the most successful companies
  • Understand how to have a unique brand no matter how many competitors you have
  • Learn the 17 key areas of your business to build your brand into
  • Get the behind the scenes view of how the most successful brands in the world build brands

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A great resource for any business owner

The best thing I liked about "Branding Beyond Logs" is the explanations on why each part of your branding is important. This book is a must-read for any business owner in the process of branding their company. Plus, easy to read, and enjoyable as well.

- Amazon Review from Jean L.

What Readers Are Saying

Don’t start printing your business materials or packaging without first reading this book! Saves U $

Don't start your business marketing, advertising, packaging, or any other printed materials without first reading this book! Seriously! Ainsley has an extensive background working with top international brands and with this experience, she guides you to really focus on what your company stands for and how to share that with your customer base. You will learn how to turn your customers into advocates for your brand so that they become mini sales people for your cause. They will do this, because they believe in your brand and want to share it with others :) I love this book and refer back to it often before making any changes in message. Making a mistake in this regard is "Absolutely Preventative" with this book. Keep it close by, stay on brand, and I wish you Great Success!!!

- Amazon Review from D. Bordier


Made me think differently!

Loved the book! Each chapter gives a ton of ideas to think about and implement in my business. I am a logical thinker and love Ainsley's deep dive into design and engineering of business success. This book points out how you can use various branding aspects as the building blocks. My favourite was on pricing. Numerous examples throughout the book helped a lot as well!

- Amazon Review from Anna


How do you stand out with your product or service in a noisy world?

"These days it's not enough to have a good product - you really have to catch people's eye and become memorable. This book gives great tips that I was able to apply to my own branding that goes beyond a logo or catchy tagline. The author covers things that I did not expect such as pricing, your packaging, and how you treat people.

This is a gem with tons of helpful elements."

- Amazon Review from K.Jones

5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

Branding Beyond Logos Gives You The Insights You Need To Build A Lasting Brand That Separates You From The Competition And Helps You Grow Your Business

  • Understand how to build a powerful brand that grows your business, even if you've never run a business before
  • Learn how to build your company around a brand rather just your product so it can't be copied
  • Have your business stand for something that motivates your customers to buy more and have them share your brand with others
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About The Author 

Ainsley Moir is a branding expert and author who's helped build some of the largest brands in the world.

After launching her coffee company, she began connecting with other founders and realized branding was a bit of a black box for most business owners. Worse, she realized most companies were buying "branding packages" to grow business that included a logo and some fonts only. Knowing this is only a small piece of the overall branding puzzle, Ainsley has since been on a mission to provide real branding guidance to companies that want to truly create a business that stands out and sells more. Your brand is not just a product. And it certainly isn't a logo. 


This book is easy to read and takes you through all the steps creating a successful Brand and resilient business.

- Amazon Review from GaryGee

5 out of 5 stars

Some Of The Brands Ainsley Has Worked With

Start Building Your Brand Today For $9.99 Only!

Branding doesn't need to be difficult. And it certainly shouldn't only be about your designs or logos. Learn how to build your brand across all the 17 important elements of your business with the best branding book in the market.

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Great informative book

This book is full of great tips and tools to help any entrepreneur take their business to the next level. A great, informative read!

- Amazon Review from Fad

5 out of 5 stars